(Reproduced) Talking Music


I have always stood him out and pushed him forward as the greatest guitarist that ever lived based on his dexterity,manipulation and sheer understanding and communication with that instrument and then of course his guitar riff and music /sound that was way ahead of its time.Although my view and position were based on,and driven by "fanaticism" or if you like excitement at the unique sounds that trickled in light doses and at times in heavy doses into my ears growing up in a musically conscious environment and family but at last I have found vindication and confirmation for what  I thought deep inside me, was exuberance of an adult living off the memories of his youthful energy and perception-the highly respected Rolling Stones Magazine and their panelists of top guitarists and experts, actually selected him as No I in a compilation of 100 greatest guitarists ! Need I say more? I say no more....Jimi Hendrix is indeed the greatest..


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