Jose Mourinho exists Roma

Yeah, Jose Mourinho, once again the stuff of comedy skits and bout of laughter as he is sacked again for being "him" by a struggling low budget football club called Roma whom he elevated from obscurity and oblivon, for standing up to football officiating slavery and shackle. A practice that is now a menace and ridicle to the game. All over the world officiating has become a mess and the mafia hierachy of football holds us in firm grib and shackles, especially in England, they want us to be robots, emotionless and unpassionate bunch which is not possible.... you speak up or express yourself and you are slammed. You find some loyalists of these football "powers and forces" who have been psychologically brainwashed and taken over by the sheer coersive force of the games royalty coming out to mouth-off in support and justification of their usually arm twisting decisions while castigating the likes of Mourinho that dares to stand up to them in freedom. The game has lost its soul and key elements, we are now enslaved and entrapped.Smart Jose, by sacking him he also makes a lot of money, amassing great fortune to the tune of about £80 million from such frightened crude decisions of the club owners cartel. He will no sooner get a job from his secret admirers and life goes on. Farewell for now to a football firebrand, see you soon my MAN.


  1. What a shame and awful way to reward a man who has brought so much accolades to Roma.


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