Lagos a city that perceives and protects its own


I was in a very rough hood of Lagos yesterday, a part of the city that is filled with roughnecks engaging in desperate and dangerous quick-fix business proposition to the extent that despite its pulling power one has to be very careful and conscious of the environment and the immediate visinity that you are located, irrespective of the legitimacy of your  business or pursuit there.

Now for the big question that set me having a conversation with myself. .. Why the calm confidence on my part, why was I so welcomed by the entrenched residents and players there, did they perceive a part of them in me,could it be that I am bad as well, a roughneck in disguise...or the fact that the streetwise streak that is part of my repertoire and the attendant comfort that comes with it in the City of Lagos is at play? I am beginning to subscribe to the conscious thought that the city perceives its own. 

Lagos, Lagos, a city of strange comfort but then you have to shine your eye oo, no slacking, just like the same vibe you get in New York for they have a strange similarity. 🤣🤣🤣


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