Aaron Ramsdale, a beleaguered goal tender

AARON RAMSDALE, A BELEAGUERED GOALKEEPER My response to some overzealous opponents of Ramsdale(Rambo) against Raya in the Arsenal's artificially created goalkeeping debate and collindrum... Absolute rubbish, Raya has not really been tested, the few times he came under pressure he messed up really big time, "leaving us with our hearts in our mouth". He was completely disrupted despite having the support and backing of his coach.I see a desperation by you guys to write off his howlers and pretend it never happened... Ramsdale, a young lad was unnecessaryly humiliated and put in a psychological torment by his coach which is not fair at all and "the English" are watching and Arteta might pay dearly for this. There is nothing that Ramsdale has done in the past that cannot be solved by a serious one-on-one, big brother talk between Arteta and Ramsdale, see what he has done to the once brewing confidence and career of a young, vivacious and exciting soul. This is act...